Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Paperwork almost completed...

Yippy!  Though I maybe celebrating a tad early, we can see the end of our list, just two more documents and we will be done! We need to have more blood work done for the medical and it will be a week or two for the results to come in, but yes that is it! 

My arm hurts because while I was visiting with our kind hearted doctor, he decided I need a full out blood work out. OUCH! Okay okay, I'm being a total baby.  I hate needles, and have been known to faint a couple of times.  I have a fear of being pricked, childhood trama issues that I've never completely forgotten. 

Cyrus was with me due to his own aliments so it was good timing. The poor kid had a fever a couple of weeks ago and left him with a painful swollen gland, and he is holding my hand reminding me about last summer's vaction. What a cutie!

On a side note, everything with the "Certificate of Property Ownership" worked out.  Whew!  I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that.

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